Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weight Watchers: following the program but not losing weight!?

I am staying in my daily points, journaling + am doing cardio wkouts (kickboxing & elliptical) 4 days/wk, but still not losing weight... just maintaining, which I know is good... but I am doing this to lose weight! Suggestions?

Question about half lives need answer?

8 half lives of Rn-222 have elapsed. what is the total time of decay for this isotope if the half-life of Rn-222 is 3.823 days

Is this place safe??????

I was able to find some violin section parts of Bella's Lullaby for sheet music at Is that place safe?

What's your top 10 favorite Comedy movies?

Airplane was just hilarious, my dad watched that with his brother and lost his dentures when the poo hit the fan, I am not kidding! The Blues Brothers is a clic too, old Jake and Elwood. Thanks for reminding me of those movies=)

Should evolution be forced on evangelical children?

"Let the hate begin" indeed. I'm not even remotely Evangelical, but your question is nothing short of obnoxious. It is clear that you no first hand knowledge of typical Evangelical thought.

How can i read 170 pages in 1 hour? ASAP!!!!!!!!!?

dude i have midterm on friday and i cant disappoint my mom again in english! so plz!!!!!!!! i need to read 170 pages before i go to sleep! which is one hour!

What Is Going To Happen If Greg Inglis' Deal Does Get Blocked By The NRL?

If it does get blocked expect the legal eagles to get involved. The press is that the NRL Salary Cap officer was telling friends in the Easts Leagues Club that no way was the Inglis contract going to be accepted. If this is true, the lawyers will have a field day.

How many of you think this new daily mail article might spoil a couple of weekends?

There is also the telephone conversations that the McCanns made. Apparently they are indisputable and prove that the McCanns are guilty. All will be revealed in good time. The PJ are trying to build a watertight case.

Can anyone give me the exact equations of motion for an object under gravitational force and their derivation?

You see, when an object, is falling, we usually take acceleration as constant because we take change in height negligible as compared to the earths radius. but if an asteroid is falling to earth we cannot do so. for every time, it keeps changing its distance from earth and hence changes its acceleration and thus its velocity. so taking into consideration, this variable acceleration, i want to get the equations.

It is the First Day of National Poetry Month Here in the USA!?

I have a giant whiteboard (like, the whole back wall) in my library and I am letting the kids write poems all over it.

POLL: Best quote for FB status?

I really like "Trust is like paper. Once it's crumpled, it can never be perfect again." So true!

Even Many sincere true Jews recognize that the Zionist State of Israel is EVIL ?

Nah- a handful of loonies (Neturei Karta has less than 250 members), who have been excomunited by the entire Jewish world hate Israel- the vast majority of Orthodox jews love Israel and support it completely and fully!

Were Ronald Reagan & Bill Clinton the only successful U.S. Presidents of the last 40+ years?

I think the economy has a lot to do with it. Have a recession as early as you can, then spend the rest of the two years coming out of it. You will look like a genius.

Question regarding anorexia?

I don't know much about it but I do know that it's a disorder ofthe mind. Anorexic people think they're fat when they aren't, so they go on extreme diets where they don't eat.

Question about the meaning of Electoral vote. Please see.?

If Ohio has 20 votes. What does this mean? Did Obama get all 20 votes or some of the 20 votes? What is the 20 there?

What is this considered?

My mom says that in the Karan that it says that if someone dosent belive in Islam then an Islam should kill the non believer, i know the Karan dosent say that, is my mom being a bigot or is she just being stupid

I have a question, just because my gpa is 3.4 , the EOF, the program that i'm in, invited me?

to be in Chi Alpha Epsilon Honor Society, i want to know is this a sorority organization?, what do they do? , what if i don't want to join, they told me i have until march 25 and pay $70 . is this a choice, because i don't to do anything or join anything that involve sorority or anything in that organization.

Who are the early favorites for the kentucky derby?

Go to the Thoroughbred Times (DRF, Blood Horse, Equibase, etc.) website for the post positions/morning line odds. Dialed In is a lukewarm 4/1 favorite, with Uncle Mo - who may not even make it to the starting gate - at 5/1.

What should I do with this situation?

A school I work for here in Bangkok has a teacher who is a pedophile. He teaches kindergarten. Everyone knows about it but no one wants to do anything about it.

What is this? I think astma but im not sure?

You need to go to the doctor again and get it sorted out again, could be anything from panic disorder to allergies causing the problem.

Is there any justification for being in the US illegally?

maybe while seeking asylum from persecution. I could understand if Saddam Hussein's in laws might want to escape, but other than that, is there any justification for being fully aware that you might be here illegally?

Should we continue spending so much money on space exploration or focus on Earthly issues?

Europe and America spend about $30 billion a year on space exploration which is an awful lot of money. Would that be better spent on helping the people on Earth or are leaders right in trying to explore space? I guess they figure they have messed up the World enough and are looking for the next victim!

Does anyone know why the family courts are the only branch of the law that....?

I understand where you are coming from, some non-custodial parents get the shaft by the system, but, the fault starts LONG before it ever gets to a Judge's ears. First you have the initial complaint, whether it's true or not. Nine times out of ten, it isn't! Then Social Services comes into the picture, and THEY ALWAYS take the woman's side! Why do they always think the man is a big bad wolf!? This agency should be strictly unbiased, and people capable enough to hear both sides of the story without making judgement,. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. The man is deemed guilty, and is tried and convicted before he ever gets before a judge! It's a pity some of these poor slobs who get taken by their spouses or partners, DON'T read the Constitution! When emotions run wild, common sense goes out the window. It is too late for someone I know, but maybe your question will give food for thought to any person out there who may be going through a divorce right now!


The cooking process will take care of any possible bacteria involved. You have no problem. Enjoy the pork.

Are the ebay projector headlights good?

I have a 1995 Ford Probe SE and I want to do the headlight conversion so I don't have to use sealed beams. There are some kits on ebay that have the housing and bulbs and it converts the lights to h4 bulbs. I seen different ones, and I like the projector ones. Are these any good or what is better.

Would i be any good at boxing?

who knows? great boxers doesn't always start on amateur. some directly went to professional and did very good.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I filed Bankruptcy 3 years ago and now a debtor has sold my debt to a collections agency.?

Hi. Provide the collection agency with a copy of the discharge order. That should get them to stop. If not, contact your attorney and inform them they you are receiving collection call. The collection agency is in violation of the bankruptcy code and your attorney can sue them.

Is political news coverage overtaken by the Chilean mine rescue?

Is the Chilean mine rescue totally blown out of proportion? It's great that the rescues are taking place. However, CNN's countdown clock continues to run even before and after the rescue. All major news networks are covering it live 24/7. Too much??

DEGRI: Season 9&10 Questions...!?

kc and clare broke up near the end of last season i guess season 9 whatever season they are on... kc and jenna got together right after they broke ---- they broke up because kc was not having fun with clare and jenna was more fun.... kc and clare got together when they were freshman, they met the first day, clare thought he was the umed jock, but ended up being in all advanced cles, and they kept talking and yep together... and i think she changed her image because some made fun of her for always s wearing the uniform, sav and holly j don't think so and no more anya and sav since anya and sav had and anya said they were protected when she actually lied, so they broke up

So I have been in a relationship for 3 years now. And the apartment is in his name.?

He now wants the apartment in either of our names not both. I just dont understand what the big deal is? I am not getting married again and he has said that he never wants to either i think he is scared of felling commited? Such a crock I dont know what to do part of me wants to move out myself. Suggestions

Astrologer opinion on compatibility?

Hello, my name is Georgia. I was born may 21, 1989 at 7:47pm. I give this information because I have had horrible luck in relationships. I guess because I dated someone who didn't share similar core values, but aside from that fact, I would like to know, at least under the stars, which zodiac sign, signs, or cusps etc. would be the most compatible for me. I might save myself some unnessary heartache, especially from virgo men.

Why is Dark Knight doing a tribute to Heath Ledger?

to answer the question, they are doing it because they worked with him for about a year, and that usually puts a personal attachment between the staff of the movie and him. they are doing it because it was his last role that was completed before he died. if you havent noticed... most people that are in movies get drugged up.... alot.

Which rain boots do u like better?

I like the Hunter ones a lot, those are really cute, and I think they'd make your legs look slimmer too. I like the Red ones, they would look really cute with jeans and a navy or black overcoat.

Dog in danger! HELP -crys-?

We found out he ingested the medicine in the capsule but not the capsule, we made him throw up, and now my parents are taking him to the vet... Be honest...what all can happen? Can he die? Can he, anything just tell me...

Bacterial Vaginosis woes (read on, may be tmi?)?

I'm at the end of my tether with a problem lasting roughly three years. I've suffered from recurring bouts of BV since the age of 19 (I am now 22). It effects my daily life and self esteem. I know I am a clean person but it makes me feel and smell like I am not. I get respite during my periods (unusual for BV but at least I know what to do during those seven days and therefore smell a lot cleaner). I think I contracted it when I first had unprotected with my then long-term boyfriend (we've split up since, in 2009). I'm afraid to go to the salon to get waxed. I'm afraid to sit down for too long in case the smell wafts up. My panties are often damp after wearing them for a few hours. It's disgusting. I've been to an STD clinic twice about it, and both times got the all clear for other infections and got given antibiotics, which only helped for about a week after the course was finished. I've been using plain yoghurt tampons and taking lactobacillus acidophilius tablets, along with folic acid tablets, over the past few days and there seems to be a big improvement but does this mean I have to continue doing this for the rest of my life? I've met someone new who I really like and who likes me but the idea of taking everything to the next level when I have this condition seems like hell, I can't explain it to him. Even my ex used to complain (before I found out what it was), and so as a result I went through a phase of washing three or four times a day, which in retrospect probably made it worse. I'm 22 now and I've read a lot about bacterial vaginosis and I know that it can cause problems with fertility and childbirth, which worries me even more. Is there a way of combatting it permanently or do I just have to learn to manage it from now on rather than curing it?

I need help finding a dresss!!!?

I am going to be going to the 8th grade banquet and i don't know where to look/buy a dress!! out theme for it is at the beach, so i need soemthing not prom like. Can Anyone help me?

How many Californians are leaving due to its high taxation, economic woes, and election of Boxer and Brown?

One of my best friends family is moving along with some other families and Im sure they're not alone. -Thanks.

What do fundamentalist Evangelicals think of Catholics?

Many if not most claim that we are not Christians. As a former fundie and a current Catholic I think I understand the reasons for this. If you admit that Catholics are Christians then your church loses its legitimacy. If Catholics are Christians, and we are, then protestants were wrong to split from the church. Catholics are the original Christians. Admitting this leaves a protestant with three choices, become a Catholic or lie to their self. Or as a third option attack the church in an effort to legitimize your decision not to be a part of the church Christ founded. I started choice three attacking the church. I then went to choice two and lied to myself for a while. I am now in RCIA cles and following choice one. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Beethoven, Metallica or Elvis? Which do you prefer? Is it possible to like all three?

Yes it is possible because I like all three. No reason to just listen to one genre of music. People need to open their minds a little bit.

Why has there not been a India v Bangladesh test?.?

India have been supportive of Bangladesh as a Test nation - and it is clear that Bangladesh do have why wo'n't India play them?

What kind of tool do I need to remove a spare tire mount.?

I have an 89 Trooper that I want to paint, but it has these pita bolts holding it to the door, I'm uming they are buit this way so no one can steal your spare. They are rounded at the ends so no sockette can get hold and the size is between 13 and 14 mm. I think they have about eight indented points on them. Anyone have any idea on how to get these goddam things off?

Ques: my date of birth is 12-10-1982 , time -10:45 am , place-new delhi? my health is nt good for 1 year plz a?

Date and time of birth may have nothing to do with your health. As you were feeling that your health is not good for one year, you may go for a total health checkup once, in a reputed hospital to get rid of your doubt please.

What can you do to get your mind off of a heartache or painful memory?

about a month ago, i caught my bf cheating on me... and it wasnt something I would have wanted to see. he was kissing the school tramp, and i broke up with him right then and there. and he didnt even say anything. I feel so alone and hurt. I dont see any reason to try, or any reason to look for the right guy. why do guys have to be the way they are? am i really that bad of a gf that he goes somewhere else? god. i hate this

I need some advice from mommies who've been on bed rest and had other kids to take care of?

Anything should be an option for a little while while you keep yourself and your little one inside your womb healthy.

Panic Attack, Marijuana?

I would figure you either smoke too much at a time or you got a much stronger type of herb than you used to get. Since you have not had problems stopping smoking, just stay clear of it. Who wants to worry and be stressed out? The point, I always thought in smoking pot, is to relax, not get panicky! Good luck to you :)

I have 1 month to lose as much weight as quickly and safely as possible! opinions please!?

Yo-yo dieting is very detrimental. Essentially, what happens is, your body gets pushed to it's limits before losing the extra fat, and when you yo-yo diet, you pretty much set the bar higher and higher for yourself. Cardio will be your best bet at losing the weight, but don't let up come June, continue your routine to keep the weight off and you won't be in the 'dilemma.'

How long will a element deck last me?

Well if your not doing boardslides, and not doing too much flip tricks, a element can last months to a few years. Just depends how you treat it, and how much you land those tricks :P

Looking for a light dessert, any suggestions? (chocolate would be nice)?

Truffles are a good idea, but they can be quite rich... I personally like a nice parfait for a light dessert. Simply cut your chosen fruit into bite-sized pieces (I use apples, white gs, walnuts or pecans, and bananas). Then layer it alternately with homemade or storebought whipped cream and top with a sprinkling of cinnamon and nutmeg. Enjoy!

Tough series question!?

tough series???? u_n = 3 ^(n-1) * 5 - {3^(n-1) - 1 } / 2 , n ≥ 1....write u_[n+2] , u_[n+3] , u_[n+4] , each in terms of u_n, to see the pattern for the sequence

Monday, August 15, 2011

What did people think about some reactions of Heath Ledger Golden Globe win?

I notice that Robert Downey Jr. looked kinda upset...i had expected that from Tom Cruise crazy self....but he actually started the standing ovation. Did anyone notice any expressions from actors/actresses that was compelling and/or surprising?

How to get a good nights sleep?

if u want you can keep the tv on and mute it so you dont hear anything, then just turn your head away from it. Or just try to turn it off right when ur about to fall asleep. but other then that is just sucks for you.

English Question about me out?

How many US presidents have there been before you, sir? (If 40, then he is Bush 41. If 42, then he is Bush 43.)

What would you do if you were faced with the following situation?

You are the owner of your reputation. Can you go to the person above him for advice? Never do anything to compromise your value system!

I have a huge friend problem.........?

They probably like doing certain things with certain people. I have one friend I like going to movies with. One friend I like playing games with. Another I like walking and talking with. Just start inviting them to do things with you.

Male or Female English Bulldog?

I'm looking to get an english bulldog pup and have heard pros and cons of both es. I seem to be leaning towards a male based on about 10 different articles I have read. I wanna get a collective idea as to whether or not the of the dog matters or if you feel one is better than the other and why. Thanks so much as I'm looking for help and opinions.

What are 'standard' piano songs people request at a Piano Bar?

I'm going to try playing piano at bars for extra money that I desperately need. Is there a website with standard repertoire or can anyone leave me songs they usually request at a Piano Bar? I know Piano Man, Benny and the Jets, Elton John, Billy Joel, Queen (Bohemian rhapsody), Thousand Miles... Please list off 5 or 6 you would expect any Piano bar player to know... thanks!

How much would a baby crocodile be in America?

I don't live in America. I live in Egypt. I just saw a 5-inch long crocodile for sale for about 10 dollars. How much would it be in America ?

Upper Year University... Harder or Easier?

On my course which was an Arts degree there was less work but the work we did have was all harder year by year. And my marks stayed fairly consistent.

Casein-free Alfredo sauce...will it work?

i think it will work, only prob i've run into is that the Parmesan is not as strong tasting as the real stuff so you would prob nave to use extra. next time i would add some nutritional yeast and arrowroot powder. it might make it "cheesier". go to they have all kinds of alternative recipes.

Terminator: sarah connor chronicles?

where can i watch terminator: sarah connor chronicles online for free?.. every website i go to asks me to fill out a form that wants my email and for me to fill out a form for babies R us... where can i go that wont make me do that stuff?..

Plz give the answer?

THERE ARE 2 BODIES A AND B(16 YEARS)A IS ON EARTH,B GOES ON A SPACESHIP AND TRAVEL.after 25 years if b returns back then age of a is 41years but is less than 41?why?

A quick question about processors?

the second one is better because it is core 2 duo which means it is 2 x 2.0ghz = 4.0 Ghz (theoretically).

Palin as VP? that's a danger for women!!.......................…

She can't, plain and simple. Don't really know why McCain selected the worst possible candidate for VP.

I am 32 Yo women and i think i have an early menopause. is there any Dr. or registered nurse who can discuss?

You just need to go to your ob/gyn to discuss. They can do a blood test to check your hormone levels.

(power supply issue) I have a Ikonik vulcan 1200 watt psu that goes from 12.3v @ 30a to 11.5v @ 3a under load.?

try underclocking your chip and pulling out one of the gtx's if not you can damage the chip whitout it getting the right voltage....... if you have onboard graphics pull both v cards and limit your ram to what you need and you can get by for a week or 2 without any issues i would think........ i dont think anyone could answer this as a for sure answer, it will all be opinions

Is AFL Preseason training Beneficial or is it Overrated?

It is creates good bonds between players and gets there fitness up. It isn't all training either its figuring out tactics and stuff too. It also gives them time to work on there weaknesses

This is a letter to my parents, what corrections should I make?

First I want to say I love you both very much and that you have both been helpful to me during my high school journey. When the first day of high school was approaching I was nervous and scared of what was ahead. But you helped me to rid of my fears and I entered high school with a brave vigor and a steady confidence. When I was picked on, you told me to stand my ground and be ertive. Whenever I felt like an outcast, you gave me positive reinforcement and told me tomorrow would be a better day. You have both also helped me when I had difficult ignments. Mom when I needed help writing a paper you were there to check my grammatical mistakes. Dad when I had trouble with my math homework, you were there to teach me. I thank you greatly for helping me throughout the years. I am forever grateful. Despite the fact you have been great parents to me, I have not always been a great son. I have talked back, ignored and sometimes even insulted you with no remorse. Yet you have put with my teenage angst and continue to love and help me whenever I needed. There was a time when I was very rebellious. I had deeply loathed you (I felt I did). I would spend more time with my friends and less with my family. I would complain to my friends about the strange traditions, customs, and behaviors you both had. I soon felt completely detached from you both and wish I never had you has parents. But It was apparent that I was lying to myself. I only acted this way out of angry and soon enough I came back to you both crying and begging for forgiveness. You have been through a lot with me. You have been through the terrible twos, first day of kindergarten, middle school, and high school. I thank you guys for everything you have done for me. I will never forget it.

Has anyone ordered Ugg Boots from recently?

Any website that has the brand Ugg in its URL is fake, other than the real And if you find a site with prices that are too good to be true, they are. If you want to buy Uggs online go to the real Ugg website and look at their online dealer list. Honestly though I wouldn't buy online period, just go into a store. BUT you also have to be careful because I've heard of stores in malls selling fake Uggs also.

I had a biker buy a case of corona and a bag of disposable razors.Said I look lik I knew wht was up. WTF?

I work at a 7-11 in a small town when I questioned him he said never mind. Google it if you really want to know.

Where do the easterly winds of both the northern and southern hemispheres meet?.?

Let's see, the earth is round, the wind is blowing from the east and does not change direction. Let me take a wild stab at it, they don't meet.

Penatlies for tainting the USA flag?

depends on the littering laws in the area - the act itself would be protected under the 1st amendment.



Is Satan Truly Evil? From A Religious Point Of View?

"Evil" is a value judgment. It depends a lot on who and what you are. For example, cats are evil if you're a mouse, but not if you're a human with a pet cat. Therefore, "evil" cannot be the essence of who or what any entity fundamentally is. When Christians call Satan "the Evil One," this can mean only that Satan is "evil" from the point of view of Christianity. - Am I right? I do not think Satan is evil. After all, he is not the one who murdered **** loads of people because they did something wrong! And if he is evil, why is he the one doing all the punishing of wrong-doers/sinners in hell, surely he should be congratulating them! And why is Pride a sin? I like feeling proud of myself - its like I've accomplished something! Christianity and Catholicism baffles me. Also, why is rock/metal music evil/wrong? In my opinion all the s in the slutty clothes in pop/r&b videos should be 'commented' on (and not in a good way!) Please Say Someone Agrees With Me!!!

Anyone ever tasted Lee chocolates made by a syrian company?

I had some in Jordan, and after we returned to the states, I researched them. I cannot find them anywhere else except Syria. These were the best tasting chocolates I have ever had. I think Godiva are pretty good, but these far surp them. I was wondering if anyone else has found a place here in the states to purchase them? Otherwise I have to wait until friends are flying overseas and send money with them to purchase some. We tried that with a friend who went to Jordan recently, but they would not accept his us dollars since the value keeps dropping, they didn't know what it would be worth the next day!

Wtf is a babby .................?

Well it's been used so often I'm starting to think they really think that's how baby is supposed to be spelled.

How to remove pins from the main power connector on atx power supplies?

Have an ATX power supply from an old computer but the layout of the pins for the main power connector that connects directly to the motherboard is not standard. How can I extract them to rearrange them in a proper standard order??Tried a .093" extractor for the discs power connector but it does not fit. Are there smaller size molex extractors ?? thanks

Why do so many Baptists believe that these are the end times?

They've ALWAYS believed it's the "end times", and they always WILL believe that it's the "end times". Ten thousand years from now they'll still be saying it's the "end times". It's just their thing. The survival of their religion depends on working their followers into a terrified frenzy that they are in imminent danger of being cast into a pit of fire upon the "Judgement Day".

Title help BEST answer 10 points! help please?

I am writing a story about an upcoming blood drive at my school . During this blood drive theyll offer free 5 dollar in n out gift certficates( to those who donate). I need help coming up with a cathcy title for the story

What specific business decisions would a manager make using statistical process controls?

What specific business decisions would a manager make using statistical process controls? Please provide one example. Your help is kindly appreciated!

How does my team look for this week..? SUggestions welcome?

Your team is ok. Just look at your weakest category and try and make that stronger. Don't play based on names.

Now that Hezbollah controlls the Lebanese govt and its members have been indicted, when will the US...?

put sanctions on Lebanon and consider it a terrorist state ? How long will it be before the christians are eradicated from Lebanon? Will Lebanon find itself at war with Israel with the terrorist govt in place?

"sms delivered" status message

That's just a guaranty from the service provider that the message got delivered to the correct destination but this does not mean that the recipient read the text message---what if the text got accidently deleted without reading it?

Has anyone else noticed a curious coincidence between the flood of "green" programming and high gas prices?

Earth Day has been around for 30+ years. Alternatives to fossil fuel have been invented then shot down by government & big business. Suddenly they're lauded again as the next great step forward for mankind! I don't get it! Haven't we heard about global warming for decades? Haven't those wacky "hippies" been using natural fibers, compost heaps, & even converted their deisel vehicles to operate on vegetable oil from the local fast food joint or solar panels on the roofs of their streamlined vehicles? THIS IS NOT NEW! Yet the media is acting as if this were amazing, incredibly simple and a person is a fool & inhumane if we don't each find SOME way to reduce our personal "footprint" on our planet! We all know it takes months to plan and film a television show. There was even a writers strike recently. So how is it if NO ONE predicted the rise in fuel oil, that reality shows, whole channels & "special" episodes of our favorite TV shows are suddenly "going green" just as prices rise?

Science of Creationism?

The second law of thermodynamics says that the energy in a closed system has increasing entropy. We are not in a closed system because we are getting more energy from the sun.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ah! tww- what were you signs in order by dpo?

i don't have exact days, but i can tell you that i cramped just like i was going to get my period up until i was 10 weeks pregnant. (im 15 weeks now). the only other sign i had was my cervix was sooo sore from about 5dpo to 12 or 13dpo. good luck!!! :)

Where to buy material to make handbag in Bangkok?

2 days ago I already submit the same question here, but I think my it was not so clear. Ok just make it more precise, I would love to buy some great fabrics, notions (laces, ribbons, ons) and some other leather or plastic handbag handle. Anybody know where to get it in Bangkok?

Is Chernobyl still radioactive?

I had heard rumors that parts of Chernobyl are still radioactive and that another reactor could go off, but bigger than last time.

Australia's middle order failed... AGAIN!!!!?

I agree, but I wouldn't leave Symonds or Bracken out. Not when they return soon. But hey, what's up with the injuries? It's like we're jinxed or something. It's pretty sad when you have to rely on tailenders to get the scoreboard ticking over. It seems as long as the tail is wagging we are in with some sort of a chance cos no one else seems to wanna do their job properly.

Why is it in the winter the Chicago-land area seems to always be colder than Detroit (Rochester Hills) MI ?

I'm going to college at Oakland University in Rochester Hills, MI next year and I check the weather there often and compare it to here and in these winter months, it is always 8-10 degrees warmer (if you consider 20 degrees warm compared to 10) in that area compared to Chicago. Isn't Michigan suppose to be cooler? It has been this way for a few months.

Wrong statute on reckless driving?

i received a reckless driving ticket for peeling out in a parking lot, the cop wrote down the ticket for reckless driving/drag racing on a highway which was the wrong statute, i went into court and the judge noticed right away it was the wrong statute, and told me i didn't have to reappear in court, and my attorney can appear for me next month. does that mean all the charges have been dropped since i myself am not required to go back, or what happens now?

Is this rap any good?

Stay high fly by,, eyes always red no cry,, propane brain stay fry,, rappin fo the hell of it,, no I wont die,, got mary she keep me high,, coppin a g a day o dat bi,, lingual piff indica tryna get inta,, see me I'n the halls u no I'm that guy,, smile alot feel immortal,, Lifes a ocean and we are turtles.

Is it possible to have full control over brain?

I been taking it would be nice to turn on and off pain at will and slow down your heart beat, also to send oxygen to muscles your exercising to get stronger faster. maybe even remake your body slowly by reinforcing it with proteins and other minerals so you could live forever if you keep doing it or even remake your muscles and bones to higher the limit to the human bodie. If a person had full control over their brain would that be possible? Also is it even possible to have full control?

Woah there are decent looking non-Asian women in East Asia! look this this video..?

maybe they're in an international city like tokio or bangkok. its not rare to see someone other than asians in intl' cities

Is Covergirl Tru blend minerals good?

I'm 13 and my dad bought me Covergirl Trublend minareals.Is it any good?Do you like the prodect?I havent tried it out yet.Any advies?Thanks!

How do you write a campaign pitch?

I have a project for school. I have to write a campaign pitch for conserving water. It has to be 3 paragraphs long and it has to have an argument like,"Isn't water just recycled? We don't need to conserve it." something like that. Im not saying you have to do it for me just give me a format because the teacher didn't tell us anything. everything helps!! thanks in advance.

Am i going through menopause?

I am 42 and my partner has noticed I am getting more irritable around my period time. I have just missed one that was due 2 weeks ago.

Which do/did you like more---"Lethal Weapon" with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover or "Die Hard" with Bruce Willis?

Answer carefully. Thanks and c'ya on da otha side if you be da "chosen" one. Until then, as you were... Peace out!!!

Would you forfeit an education at the University of Minnesota for an EDUCATION at San Francisco State U?

UMN may offer an education in the traditional sense... but I feel SFSU offers education beyond traditional means... the kind that enlarges your personality, not just your intellect...

Can people play sports on Austin capitol lawn at night?

I forgot if I heard right that groups can go on the lawn in front of the capitol and play sports at night (frisbee, football, etc.), and it's alright. Heard it's fairly safe with police there. But is this possible, and how late have people been there? Thanks.

Trying to find my old friend Nicole Thatcher?

Have you tried asking at her school? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What's up with my propane RV freezer?

You're motor home must be totally level for the refrigerator to work properly. I'm talking side to side and front to back. Most gas units work on 115v or gas some even work on 12v but generally don't cool very well on 12V. Not sure of the wall switch. There are generally instructions on the back of the access door.

Why did this happen?

everybody's body makeup is different, it depends on genes really.. diet and physical activity do play their part but alot of it comes from his parents... try studying his lifestyle and maybe you'll get some clues

Interesting data about same marriage?

Well those ar only statistic, but the risk of divorce is the same between heteroual couples than between couples I think. All depends on how in love they are with their respective partners and how much they compromise with each other.

How effective is "" in meeting people, in-person, who have common interests, compatible personality? is a great way to meet people in your area with similar interests. I think that you will find both single and coupled women joining. The biggest factor in the number of people or the type of people that join is your area. If you live in a more populated area where there are a lot of singles in your age range, then you will have a better chance. I think you should try it. worst case is you only lose $19. Good Luck.

Pregnant or signs of impending period am freaking out?

I am on the pill, but did have a tummy bug so could've bn comprimised. Anyways had around time of what would be ovulation.. My period is due next friday and i am really tired also experiencing bloating and hot flashes.. I am 24 years old.. We did use a condom and it did appear to be ok.. am so worried Experienced crampin this morning.. My peiod isnt due til friday.. Could be pregnant???

Why don't guys like me (not friend-like)?

Chances are, they're probably used to you being a friend that they don't consider you like that. That'll change definitely when you go into high school. Maybe you need to get a new friend that doesn't steal the limelight (sad but true). Just so you know, there WILL be a moment in your life when more than one guy likes you and it happens randomly- even if no one has ever "liked" you. It happens in high school to so many girls. So, be careful what you wish for, because breaking hearts hurts too. BUT, you know, it's all in the timing. Just make sure to smile and not to be slutty, because while guys may like you like that, they don't want a relationship. And that's all that should matter is if you're attractive, not just hot. :) Best of luck!

Where can i get help on making a romeo and Juliet Sonnet?

we are doing this romeo and juliet story and we have to make a sonnet out of it in our own words and i need help on it because i dont know where i can find infomation and romeo and juliet

Do you agree Saudi Arabia contradicts Islam?

the prophet saws said that the kalifah would end and it would become a monarchy in the end of time and as far as the women Ur wrong i know sister that live there my friend is a nurse with a bachelor degree the women. the people that are slaves inherited it from the family members that were slaves in a halal war and if you don't like living there you can always leave why don't you talk about the kuffar instead of the muslims u jerk.

Skid marks car accident determine speed?

A car with a m of 1875 kg is traveling along a country road when the driver sees a deer dart out onto the road. The driver slams on the brakes and manages to stop before hitting the deer. The driver of a second car (m of 2135 kg) is driving too close and does not see the deer. When the driver realizes that the car ahead is stopping, he hits the brakes but is unable to stop. The cars lock together and skid another 4.58 m. All of the motion is along a straight line. If the coefficient of friction between the dry concrete and rubber tires is 0.750, what was the speed of the second car when it hit the stopped car?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Heath Ledger .... OSCAR???

Do you think Heath Ledger really deserves an Oscar for a movie no one has seen yet OR do you think this is a cheap attempt by the movie studio to exploit his death.

Which sample of ethanol will have the highest vapor pressure?

A)10 mL at 62 degrees celsius will have the highest vapor pressure. The vapor pressure of a substance increases with increasing temperature. It is important to remember that just because the volume of the liquids vary, this has NO effect on the vapor pressure. Having "more" of a particular substance does not increase the vapor pressure. Only a certain number of vapor molecules can evaporate from the liquid at any given temperature and exhibit a given pressure so increasing the volume has no effect on vapor pressure. By increasing the temperature, however, vapor pressure is increased because as temperature is increased, the kinetic energy of the molecules also increases. As a result, more molecules have enough energy to break intermolecular forces and escape into the gas phase thus adding to the vapor pressure of the container.

What are some good study aids that help with the PSAT/SAT?

I know Kaplan is good and everything else, but which books (title if u remember) are VERY good at targeting all sections of the SAT?

Are high school relationships even worth it?!?

You are concentrating on doing well academically which is where it should be. How many of those people dating in high school do you think are really even going to end up together. Now a days I would say next to none. You are being smart and will end up in a good paying job because of it. Yes I would wait until you are in college. Hope I helped.

Which university.......?

Bristol has a really good reputation and I think it's one of the top universities (after Cambride, Oxford and London universities obviously). From information you've given, I think Bristol is good for you. It's near and not much money is required for travelling which is good. You won't need accomodation so more money can be saved. But don't rush, wait till you get a deadline from UCAS to make decisions for your choices. Btw, congratulations! for getting offers. I've got 3 out of 5 offers so far. Good luck! I hope all of us will have a bright future...even though tuition fee is gonna increase pretty soon.

What do you think is the worst area in the British Isles?

For me it's a close thing between, Merthyr Tydfill and Blackpool that win the backside of Britian award.

What's a good nicknamee for us?

Just name it Adriana and Krystal Show....I mean, look at Demi and Selena, they just name it the 'Demi and Selena.' :]

Please help me to provide the mechanism and multistep synthesis for the following reaction!?

I have an headache? Mine eyes are dry?

Aspirin for the headache, and Visine for your dry eyes.. please don't overdose with the eye drops ಠ_ಠ

Any Mentionable Great Novels?

I am a fan of Shakespeare' s "Much Ado About Nothing". It is very humorous and intriguing. I realize that you mentioned you had read some Shakespeare but didn't specify what so perhaps, if you hadn't read it already, you would like this play. Check it out.

How similar is Anti-Mormonism to Anti-Semitism?

People are always going to look for a scapegoat. Now that it's not cool to pick on Jews, they turn to Mormons, JW's and the such.

How do i find out how much watts can wall plug can hold?

i have a tetra heater but it's on for 2 seconds and then it shuts off.But i also have lots of things plugged into that one hole.So i want to know how many watts it can hold

I bought a box of misc stuff at a auction in it was a ladies Rolex oyster stainless &gold how much is it worth

stainless and gold Rolex oyster perpetual date with Tiffany&Co on the face genuine not a knock off does anyone know the value of it

If American Indians are allowed to be called native Americans,why can't I be a native Brit?

I am a native British person but it seems it is racist to be this. A white American is not a native American and neither is a Pakistani a native Brit.

What did your first baby's first kicks feel like?

I was feeling what felt like deep muscle twitches in my very lower abdomen at about 17 weeks. Then I got full on kicks at around 23. She likes to kick me the most in my ribs on the upper right side. Now that she's getting so much bigger, a lot of her movements feel more like rolls than kicks.

Why do they footprint babys at birth?

i am a mother-baby nurse and we do it as an identification measure. we also do it as a keepsake for the parents. although we put bands on babies for identification, they can fall off (or be cut off) and the footprint is a way for us to undoubtedly ID the baby if the bands fail. footprints are one of the first things we get after a baby is born.

Did Anyone Else Notice That In This Commercial?

I The One With The Chick Crying @ The Altar, One Of Those For The Love Tester App, The Names Of The Doomed Couple Were Nick And Miley, Then They Changed It To Nick And Sarah? Lmao

What is your opinion on Swine Flu parties?

Very very against it. These people should get the vaccine instead: that is a far safer way of protecting themselves against the disease. It's one thing to be paranoid about the vaccine and try to do without it. It's entirely another to deliberately seek infection with the fully virulent H1N1 virus. The numbers don't lie: over 5000 deaths from H1N1 so far, but none from the vaccine.

Should the Buffalo Bills be moved?

Seeing how LA will be getting a team soon because they are building an NFL stadium. I would say the Bills are going there. Or the Jaguars

Hershey's or Ghirardelli chocolate chips?

Im making chocolate pies with almonds and used Hershey's chocolate for a long time. I would like to know if Ghirardelli milk chocolate is any better?

Can bottled water be bad for you AND a waste of money?

The plastic bottles are bad for the enviroment. Honestly unless you live in a rural area regular old tap water is just fine for you. Plus for children they need the flouride in the city water. If you have a well system bottled may be the best alternative though.

Does affirmative action actually affect college admissions that much now?

I went on just for fun to see what they thought my chances were at getting in at some colleges. I am hispanic so I indicated that in my profile. It said that I have a 68% chance at getting into University of Penn. Just out of curiosity I changed my race to caucasian. It then said I had an 11% chance of getting in. I have a hard time believing my race affect my admission chances that much. Is race currently a big deal in college admissions or does it not matter that much?

Best NBA player with the lowest salary?

How can the best player in the league be overpaid? aka haters kill me...LOL!! If thats the case, the rest of the league is overpaid.

Please help. I am having issues with this guy?

Ok. So I like this guy who is 13 and I am 12, and for the past month or so, signs have pointed to him liking me back. He gave me a small gift, he IMs me, etc. However, earlier today, he was flirting wtih another girl, who, although claims to like someone else, was flirting back. How can I tell if he likes me or her? And what should I do? Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Is my dog very over weight?

It doesnt sound like shes over weight. If shes very active and you can feel her ribs her weight may be muscle. Ask your vet next time you take her.

So... what do you think about the Australian Ashes squad?

Yes, it looks good but it doesn't matter. Australia would win one way or the other. I will be hoping for a good contest though. Always look forward to the Ashes every year mate.


It's from the bleach not the foil. If you go blonder you will trash it more. Celebs use top products & top stylists. Get Joico K-Pak reconstructor products they really work. Also mix Joico Silk Results & Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum to style.

How would you measure the chemical reaction with different metals in hydrochloric acid?

we have to make an experiment where you put metals in hydrochloric acid. there is a question on the sheet that says what are you measuring and how. that's..pretty much my question for you. I HAVE NO IDEA! and then you have to draw a table predicting what the results would be????

Really should we give tithe's to man?

Man on earth are so imperfect who sin.....Why should we then give our hard working money to them to watch them build a empire with it?

Why does my 6mth puppy hate the new puppy?

My Cavalier KC Spaniel is 6 months old. Today I got a 3 1/2 month old er Spaniel today as a playmate for her and to complete our family but she appears to hate her & be actually afraid of her. She's growling and barking & running away. She has been socialized with another dog and a puppy so I cant understand why she doesn't like this one! Should I leave them alone in the kitchen overnight (this is where the Cav sleeps now) or will this create more issues?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why are some specific causes of why there are shanties surrounding the hillsides of Venezuela, Caracas?

they are the so-called "informal settlers" who cannot afford to live in legal residences because of higher rents and maintennance so they built shanties and put up illegal wiretaps connections for their electricity and rich as venenzuela is with its oil revenue there are millions who are really, really poor and have to resort to this kind of living....and its not only in caracas, is all over the world...very, very sad..indeed!!!!

Subeta trivia question?

You'll recognize the contents of this lightweight flask if you're familiar with a certain competitor of Ian Asmodeus' and his creations. Just don't open it without proper facial protection! Which item is it?

Am I wrong for this Babynames.?

So I was thinking about the name Preslynn Tennyson but Tennyson means Dennis son..Im all about the meaning behind the name..I believe your name tells who you are..And I like the name just not the meaning..Is this weird??

I love her but im scared incase she doesnt love me for who i am?

be your self and if its for real she will like you for who you are. don't worry you still have a lot of growing to do

How do I find the price of a Delta buddy p on travelnet, deltanet, or extranet?

Hi, I am trying to find the cost of a buddy p from ATL to ABE. I am fooling around right now on the deltanet page and I cant find any links to take me to a page where I can find a quote. Does anybody know how? Thanks!

How often do you think about farting?

Experts say that we all fart on average 15 times a day. In addition to this, people around us fart and some of us may attempt to hold our own farts in until a more appropriate time which takes some mental concentration. So all told, how many times a day do you think about farting?

Why are people hypnotized?

So i've been seeing a lot of shows about hypnotism, and i'm basically wondering what exactly do you get out of it? And how does it work?

Question for Muslims (dont worry, 100% genuine)?

the real spelling of the Qu'ran and Allah its just some ppl, are too lazy to right it the proper way

Dip Richie Morris of royal bank of scotland has asked to deposit inr 41100/- with AHIL ARTS ICICI BANK.?


Is there a bank that allows a cosigner for a car not be related ?

The co signer will be on the title, that you won`t get until it`s paid off. Prior to that, the bank is the leinholder.You don`t say whether you are an adult or not. But, it`s my understanding that if you have someone willing to co- sign, most dealerships will do it (if you don`t have bad credit). and if you tell them you are related, how they gonna know you aren`t?I have different last name than my youngest bro. cuz he has a different Dad.

What type of snowboard is best for me?

It'll be my 3rd year snowboarding bit my first real board. I'm planning on spending $600 total. $200 on boots and bindigs, and $400 on the board. I'm looking for the best board in this price range. This will be my first board so I don't really know what to look for. I know that I will be working mainly on park but love to ride down the backside aswell. Any help would be tight.

Cheerleader Tradition?

I'm a cheerleader and my highschool has this tradition that every year when we play our rivals in basketball, the losing team's cheerleaders are ed, or paddled by the winning team's players. We usually go over the guys lap and then we are ed with a paddle over our panties, or they'll bring out a stool and we have to bend over it. My friend, also a cheerleader, said she thinks it's unfair. I just think it's funny, and it's tradition. Altough it is a little painfull, and embarrasing cause they do lift up our skirts, although it is just our cheer uniform undies. Anyway, I just wanted to know what you think, you think my friend has a point? Or are you like me and think it's just a stupid funny tradition and it's pretty harmless? And do you have any weird traditions, like , at your school?

What is Paul talking about in this scripture?

2 Corinthians 3:13We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away. 14But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect[a] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

My employer falsely accused me of theft. What should I do?

You should retain an attorney and follow through with this. From your perspective, it sounds like a case of wrongful termination. Good luck.

Why is the community organizer proposing to delay foreclosures for 90 days?

What does this accomplish other than to extend the inevitable for those morons who fell for sub prime teaser rates.

First the network FOX up Millennium, then the network FOX up Futurama, now the network FOX up Terminator SCC?

These are my top three favourite shows of all time! All three were crushed WAY before their time. I thought that after Futurama the morons at the network were ground up into powder. WTF!!! Does anyone watch anything other than reality shows any more?! I guess that I must be a dinosaur. I can't believe that FOX has broken my heart three times. It sucks.

Constant sweet taste in my mouth for 1 1/2 weeks?

I am obese but I am working out and steadily losing weight. I've cut out pasta (especially white). Diabetes doesn't run in my family and I just did a urine test 30 minutes ago and there was no glucose/ketones in my urine. I am also anemic and am working on getting enough B12/Iron in my diet. Still, I have this sweet taste in my mouth. It's like I ate a packet of sugar. What is it?

Can you sense when your being watched?

i dont wanna sound like a loony nutjob here but sometimes i feel like somebody is watching me, and sometimes if give the side peripheral glance im right.. ive also noticed if i want somebody to turn around that i dont know to well and dont want to say hey, usally theyll side look, or turn around. also, have you ever had a crush and you can sense when their near?

Help with guitar sound please?

You would have to Emulate the actual instruments, - Brand - type of strings Amplifier etc. special effects such as reverberation, or lack of.

Help me please??

i have to to do a project about charity in the world i need to pick up a topic.. any topic i search on the computer i did not find anythingg...i want to be about my country syria.. what the problemss out there.. we have to send monay to the people who having trouble but i dont know in syria whats going on.. cuz i dont live there anymore.. it can be about something elese but i want it to be about my country cuzz everyone is doing about their country

Just for giggles: How is suicide the easy way out?

It's easy, I've done it hundreds of times. The hard part is because I'm a Buddhist, i keep reincarnating, thus the endless cycle of death and rebirth continues to play out.

Gatsby or Axe Hair Wax?

I hear gatsby hair wax originated in Japan and is only found in japanese stores, but is it really different than axe hair wax? How much is it anyways? Or if anyone knows of any other good types of hair wax, feel free to share. Im looking for a type where it can hold for a long time, doesnt leave residue, and doesnt give my hair the "gel" look where you can see it shine.

Why do the flat earth scientific illiterate always 'believe' in man made global warming?

Because at one time, there was a scientific consensus that the Earth was flat and the center of the Universe. Man made global warming is also a scientific consensus if you believe anyone that professes man made global warming.

Plz help need amswers for romantic day?

well this boy we are going to start going out when scool starts cause we dont see each other during summer and well i asked him if he wanted to go out and he told me he was gonna ask me the same thing and when this happened fergie big girls dont cry was playing and i like it and all it just brings back memories and well he is going to ask me out the 1st day of school and well what will be a nice romantic gonna kiss song?

What is the quote from the dark knight that harvey dent recited about the dawn is coming, or somethin.?

in the dark knight harvey dent said an awesome quote. i think it went like the night is dark only until the dawn has risen or somethin. wut r the exact words and who first said it.

I accidentally got lotion on my suede shoes and it left a mark, how can i get it off?

You need a rough brush to bring up the nap again. They usually sell them along with shoe strings and polish.

Is America Bankrupt Is the Dollar worth Zero?

What folks need to understand is that the global OTC derivatives market, measured in tens or hundreds of trillions, is virtually all U.S. dollar denominated. Its systematic failure, which is now occurring, requires U.S. dollar balances to clear (settle) the trades (bets). This has created the paradoxical global demand for U.S. dollars, the currency of a country that is fundamentally bankrupt. By rationing credit to hedge funds that were naturally levered and "long commodities", institutions like JP Morgan routinely took the other sides of their customers commodities bets, ruining institutions like natural gas player Amaranth, and propping up the balance sheets of those who were short commodities, such as the banks. The Federal Reserve led cabal of Central Bankers have engineered the collapse in commodities prices while creating the illusion (of a perverse U.S. dollar rally). The engineered collapse of the commodities complex became necessary in the eyes of monetary elites because the rush for tangibles and corresponding repudiation of fiat money was becoming manic, as so clearly evidenced by the emerging shortages of precious metals, gold and silver bullion.

Ok theres this guy.....?

ok this guys name is harvey and he is not like any other guy ive ever met, hes sweet sensative careing and really y. to good to be true. and he likes me back. for one instance, i own tons of bracelets but i only keep ones up to like makeout, and i gave him one and wen he breaks it we makeout and wen i asked him if he broke it he said yea but he didnt care weather we did it or not as long as he got to see me and wen i made a joke bout not many guys are able to control themselves as much as him and he said we didnt have to do anything as long as we could be together. and im not the most pop girl around and i get pickd on alot for being "emo" and he stands up for me wen some of my friends wont even do that and wen im sad he tells me im beautiful and " the prettiest emo" hes ever met. There is a catch or two tho, one of my best friends liked him (and i think she still does) and hes 4 yrs older than me. but i think i might be in love with him. HELP!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Slander? ex post status about how im a slut on fb & myspace?

we have all mutual friends and they all are reading this. What can I do to handle this situation? I broke up with him because he cheated on me and sent a picture of him and the girl to my cell phone. He calls me a slut because I stand up for myself! on fb and myspace he put my first and last name and a bunch of lies about me. Should I sue him for slander or what? He is in the Army...should I let his superiors know about his behavior? and if so how do I do that?

Help me please?

I have lost a few pounds on my hips thighs and backside and my jeans fit a little loose i was wondering is there any way to get them altered or taken in so they'll fit nice? if so about how much does it cost and will they look the same? I just love these jeans and i don't want to gain the weight back just so they'll fit. Thanks

Help! How do I get my parents to leave me in my school?

My school, Kingstone High, has been getting slowly worse during the four years I've been there, but steadily better for me as more people have accepted me and started being more friendly with me. I got an A when I took my RE exams and I have an A* in my French, which I wouldn't say are bad grades. Overall, I have nothing below a B. But my parents want to take me out of that school and send me to one that they think is better. I desperately don't want to leave the friends I've made, and I don't want to go to somewhere new and unfamiliar when I've only just really fitted in at my school. I know I'll be alienated completely in this new school because I find it so hard to make friends anyway and my parents seem to think everything'll be fine at this new school and it won't because it takes me years to adjust to anywhere and this school isn't even much better than my one... please help me because I desperately don't want to go! Jaz :S

Are Zionists still trying to persuade Jews that they're a race, as this Jew writes they were in the 1940s?

You can not convert to being black, you can not convert to being Asian, Native American and so on. These are races. You MUST be born into a race. You can adopt a culture, but NOT a race any more then you can become a horse. You CAN convert in (and out) of Judaism.

Where could I find a non-denominational christian minister in Phoenix, AZ...?

you could try a messianic jewish rabbi. jewish marraiges are by ketubah- marriage contract only. they are beautifully designed. the wife keeps it in her psosession and no marriage license is required.

4 wheel drive problems?

It could be the gear spacer are worn and would need to be replaced. It could also be due to gunk build up in the transfer case which could keep it from sliding back into 2wd position in transfer case. You can run it and just keep trying to get it back to 2wd after drivin a bit, the heat may help it release. If you cannot get it to stop within a few days and cant afford to fix it right away you can disconnect the front drive shaft and just leave it in 4wd until you can afford to put it in the shop. Good luck

In your opinion will the Green Bay Packers repeat and/or become a dynasty?

Unlike many teams that have won Super Bowls the Green Bay Packers did so down 16 players and Charles Woodson's arm in a sling. With their immense talent, youth, depth, and playmakers all over the field they are as prepared as a team can possibly be for a dynasty run. Also, unlike the Favre era they now have a quarterback that knows how to turn it on in must win scenarios (kind of like Bart Starr). Anyone who follows me should already have a clear idea of my opinion, what's yours?

Starting my own business?

Make up some business cards and go to bridal stores. And start marketing it (as a Consultant). You would probably have to ask for permission from the store. I think that would be the best way to start. In person is always best.

Non-believers who think Jesus was great, how do you deal with...?

...the crazy stuff he is supposed to have said? Do you ume that he really didn't say those things? Or do you just ignore the issue of what he said or didn't say and put together your own flavor of Jesus in your mind? If you just take the good stuff, then how do you decide to appreciate someone who's at least half bad? I'm sure that some time in his life, George W Bush said something profound. At least once. No? Ok, bad example, but you know what I mean. Why pick Jesus as worthy, and not anyone else who's half nuts?

Without trivialising the holocaust and in no way intending to show disrespect?

Forms of socialism are used today in quite a few first world countries. Socialism does not mean no free enterprise whatsoever, it simply is regulated a tad more. Most of the world's developed countries are considered socialist to different levels. Truth be told, the only country who wasn't was the USA. You could argue the USA overall had lower levels of unemployment and greater economic strength though. The successful forms of socialism are not the ones used by the communists or by governments in latin america though. I don't think the fascists were socialist though. They had a national socialism thing but it was very vague in meaning. many of it's aspects hardly had to do with actual economic ideology.

Why (do you say) the Beatles are great?

Because each of the Beatles was a true fine musician in their own right. I own several Paul McCartney albums as well as George Harrison (dark horse is a fav) and John Lennon was all about peace on the planet. I've even seen Ringo's all american band tour and he always has different guests....he's an exceptional drummer.

Coax strip and tip press on tool

hi, can anyone point in the right direction for buying that tool that the cable and satelite companys use to strip the coax cable and then press on the screw in tips that connect to the tv, Thanx

One in four americans will get cancer now?

because of the pollution. the cargenagens we ingest in the water air and food.the fish in the oceans are getting so polluted we shouldnt eat the larger type fish..what to do?

Can Obama get to 270 Electoral Votes before McCain?

He has only won in TWO big states, GA and can he win in NY, FL, MICH, CA, TX, IN, OH, WV., NJ, PA?? Hillary if/when she drops out....could help him???? Edwards endorsement is still not the end all be all.....IS there hope to get to the magic # of 270 for OBAMA??? Can he pull it out? OR SHOULD I move to the moon???

How do I down load pictures from Flickr to my blog on blogger?

I'm pretty computer illiterate, so lay mans terms are best. It is asking me for the html and I don't even know what that is or how to get it. Thanks for your help.

Based on the David Nugent-Jason Lowen Controversy, should regulation exist for abuse of online speech?

The David Nugent-Jason Lowen Controversy made headlines in the Philippines in 2008 and remains a precedent for abuse of online speech that disrupted corporate operations. Essentially, Lowen had fabricated libelous material that alleged of Metro Pacific's ill corporate governance. Poor fact-checking and background investigations allowed Lowen's allegations to disrupt business and trigger resignations all via cyber tactics from his lone room across the Pacific. I am doing a study on freedom vs. abuse of online speech; thus, my question is, should there be regulations in play to prevent false and malicious online blogging/reporting from occurring? If so, what kind, and by what mechanism?

What is it called when the reverse of a coin is on the obverse as well?

I have a 1887 Morgan Silver Dollar. It is in very good condition with nice luster. I noticed from my other silver dollars it looked different. (I am not a coin expert, I just learned a little terminology and examined it closely under a microscope.) When I looked under the microscope I saw different shades and rises in metal and lines. When I finally realized that I could see a faint outline of the eagle from the back I tried to research it and figure it out. But I have not found any info on it. Could someone help me with this, and could it be valuable? The coin has a double die on the date, also on the lips there is a very strong die of a twig that wraps around the eagle on the back, you can see the middle line and the shape excellent. Also there are letters that are faintly marked on it that looks like a mirror image.

After watching last nights 'Dispatches' on Muslims; Channel 4, UK. Could the King of Saudi Arabia be cled ?

The faith of these people in their religion must be *really* weak if they feel the need to be so defensive about it.

I need help w/pain management from Ulnar Nerve Decompression surgery?

Surgery performed 3 weeks ago on right elbow. Am on Short Term Disability. Am allergic to almost all pain meds & anti-inflmmatory meds. I have some which were prescribed by Doc, but I've been nauseated the past 48 hours from taking too much. The pain is almost unbearable & appears to be getting worse. I called Doc's office today to request we pursue more aggressive recovery treatments. However, besides icing it once I get off computer, what else will help? All I can ingest now is ginger ale to calm my stomach. I haven't eaten in 2 days.

I'm getting a new phone from AT&T..which phone is better? blackjack 2 or blackberry Curve?

i'll have to say the blackberry curve my brother has that phone and it's great. if i didn't have the iphone i would buy the curve.

Do you think the narrator of Great Gatsby is reliable?

He tries to be honest, but, I think, there is a lot that he misunderstands. NO, I DON'T THINK HE IS RELIABLE. I THINK THERE ARE A LOT OF PAGES WHERE YOU HAVE TO DECIDE WHAT IS TRUE. Sorry about the caps.

Catcher in the Rye (10 easy pts!)?

the Holden's journey from Pencey Prep to New York City takes him from Pennsylvania (sounds like where Pencey is) to the world at large which is largely a version of hell, with a few oases of paradise within--the carousel, the museum. The shrillness and the objectionableness of the people he meets later extend that of previous scenes. Stradlater is repeated by the fellow he meets in the bar who is neurotic and ; Mr. Spencer is a milder form of Mr. Antolini who is more predatory and perhaps also ual. The result of this intensification is that Holden Caulfield goes crazy as his inability to compromise and adjust becomes more evident.

How is Catholicism NOT idolatry?

Sweetie, they are beating this to death.There is a brain block in their heads. The Rosary is a mini bible of Jesus and Mary. For without Mary Jesus would never have come to us. God asked Her and She said YES. They just don't get it. And BTW there was a question about someone on here that had to go to the elders for committing adultery, her parents made her when they found out about it. Isn't that a form of confession. I'd rather do it the way we do than to go before a elder and confess to the whole congregation. Stop the nonsense you Hippocrates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… Give it a rest and change the subject. You are judging we Roman Catholics. Don't Judge lest ye be judged. God bless you, very needed.

Pda buying?

im going to buy a PDA. this is my first time. i want a PDA tat works with microsoft, music playback, bluetooth, wi-fi, video playback. price range $200-300. can anyone gv me any suggestion??

Who called me a brat?

i asked a question on how to tame your mother because i needed help. i don't like being called a insolent brat ok i am not spoiled one bit!!! i don't have a lot of things. you don't know me. so next time i ask a question don't answer. but i want 2 know is who is kris r , where r you?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Error Loading Operating System?

You need to buy a recovery disk (ask for one at a computer shop and if they don't they will if you describe the problem).

Where is the national monument of Bangladesh?

Bangladesh is in east asia. Its capital is Dhaka.Bangladesh's form is kinda weird.It is at the east of India, and at the south of Nepal. Nepal is down China.

Can you roughly rank the European countries by the ratio of the people who resisted Nazi occupation?

the ratio of the people who resisted Nazi occupation to those of the general population who just did nothing or resolved to coexist with the invading force. the comparison i seek is between Sweden norway denmark and finland. france spain belgium. greece the balkans"Serbs albania..". eastern europe "poland czech lithuania Ukraine latvia..."

Did Mel Gibson bite off more than he could chew....????

Look, if you look back in history Jews are in the midst of alot of stuff that caused world wide discourse. He has a right to say whatever he pleases. His opinions are his own. He was drunk for heaven sake and we all say stupid stuff when we are drunk. Hopefully, he won't get publically drunk again and shoot his mouth off. He's superrich so he'll be fine.

Getting Out of Marine Corps DEP ?

i am dep into the marine corps reserves and i now belive that the marine isten for me. Can i get out of the dep with out being int trouble ?

Does it frustrate you when people....?

YES! I can't stand that. I have seen too many parents who use it as a cop out so they don't have to comfort their kids. Put them in the crib with a pacifier and leave them because if they have that they won't cry. Never mind that what a baby cries for is human interaction and love, NOT just a plastic thing to be shoved in their mouth. And having it all day just because is bizarre. I know one baby who's parents constantly did that and the poor kid didn't even try to talk until he was about 3 because he always had it in his mouth.

How Do I Lose a very good amount of weight in four months?

Okay, So I have to go to my uncle's wedding in Japan in four months, does anyone have any tips on how to lose a good, healthy amount of weight?(ex. hillary duff)

Too much FEAR to Advance In LIFE?

Why are you going with people you dont know? You might find yourself having a great time if you do go. If you posted asking for opinions from online chances are you are having major doubts about doing this.

How to work S video?

I have a compaq evo n610c with a readion 7500 agp and a s video port in back of my laptop and i have the s video cored hoked up to both the computer and the tv but i cant get it to show up on the tv someone help me

How can I re-enjoy my overplayed music?

I have overplayed my two favorite albums, along with many other songs that I like. It saddens me that I have to force myself to listen to a portion of my music library. Is there something mentally that I could do to make it all sound fresh and new again? Or will I have to keep finding replacements?

Why are my parents giving me a hard time about me not wanting to practice birth control when I get married?

Because your parents are trying to control you. You're an adult, right? You don't expect your parents to raise your children, right? What are they afraid of--having to buy an additional eight Christmas and birthday gifts?

Brett Favre done in the nfl?

With Bretts sad season in NY and some of his team mates sick of him. He's done in NY but is he just too old to be in the NFL now?


jus tlike allen iverson and manny ramirez, I NEED RANDY MOSS' MYSPACE SO I CAN PUT HIM ON MY TOP SO PLEASE HELP ME ASAP

Which bag should I get?

I want to go to Deena & Ozzy Transformer backpack bucket bag, because you can use for a larger selection of clothes. Moreover, it seems that something more sophisticated person would have.The Ecot backpack Army base is very relaxed and seems very cool, but you feel like you should be very relaxed and informal setting. It looks a little something that someone 'younger, and as part of the whole look would be natural. Hope this helps.

Great gatsby please help me!!!!!?

I need a figure from american culture that is similar to Myrtle Wilson from the great gatsby. Myrtle was the mistress of Tom but was married to george, the garage owner. She wanted a better life and wanted to move up on the social ladder. She was desperate,hence the affair. she wasnt well educated. Who in US history or todays culture does this description remind you of?????

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I want to talk to him but should i?

def. talk 2 him if he takes the time 2 look he is interested in ya... but dont do it when he is front of his friends he might try 2 act all cool and blow you off... and just make small talk and gradually start talking 2 him more if he is interested he will talk back and it will be easy for the both of u 2 talk...i am a popular guy and i had a similar experience with a girl... things didnt work out but now were great friends... and the worse thing that could happen is he not talk 2 u and thats not that hard 2 blow off

What are your five favorite non-musical sounds?

i love the sound of crunching leaves. the sound of pebbles tumbling in the waves of the ocean... the sound of rain falling... the sound of skateboard wheels on pavement, aaand... i can't think of a fifth sound...

How do I break my dog of a habit?

You don't have a problem. You are very lucky to have such an obedient dog. Just take a look around in the pet section at how many people complain about dogs that "do it" in the house. It's only annoying while it's winter, so suck it up and wait for spring!

I heard that male cheerleaders?

get more action with the girls than football players coz they always practicin an bondin together with the girls...iz dat tru?

I heard that UAE do not giving the VISA to Following Countries?

hey i was planing to visit Dubai soon..iam also from Pak.. if i am sponsered a Visa from a family member in Dubai??.. is it possible??..

Can i have advice for helping save my so-called friends?

That was way too long i didn't read it, but anybody that says so-called friends needs to find other ones.

Help me!! Easy question!!?

It is a big waste of money. But they make new discoveries in science, so of which they do tell the public. Like for example: there is a rumour that the microwave was reversed engineered from a discovery. Belive me. the goverment doesn't waste money unless they can make money from it

Why might some women have been critical of the Enlightenment?

people never like change, they think its bad and sometimes it gets so deeply rooted into their systems of living that they are prone to think along the lines of the social norm. In a time that was mainly controlled by the masculine side of the species (Government, Religion, Science, Family) women MIGHT have just didn't want to break out of those norms.

What you have to have to qualify for payment plans?

I was looking at buying a new PC, mine is very old and out of date (like 8 years old). The PC I want is a Falcon Northwest system for 7k. They do have payment methods but I wonder in general what you need to qualify other than good credit. I recently have had a bad credit run in and am way overdue on my cards (my boss wouldn't pay me so I got behind, and am now unemployed). So I doubt I would qualify for the 70 or so a month plan on 7k. My question is this though, generally do payment plans overlook bad credit if you are willing to pay, say 7-800 a month on a payment plan so you can have the PC now?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dell Axim X30 Sync Port Broken. Please help?

Hi I got a Dell Axim X30 Pocket Pc and after a while the sync port pins got damaged. Now I have about 2 pins left out of like 20 and surprisingly it still charges. To get a replacement connector it costs like 25$ and to send it to some people to get repaired it costs about 70$. I don't think I can change the connector myself because it's part of the motherboard and I don't want to spend 70$ unless I REALLY have to and there is no other solution. My warranty is over but do you think if I call Dell they will repair it for me or even send me a new unit. I'm saying send me a new unit because I've seen on several forums that people that done although I'm not sure if there warranty was over or not. Do you think they'll at least repair it for me if I call them. Any other solutions would be appreciated. And no I don't want to get a new Pocket Pc or PDA at the moment.


i think ur card is ok and it is compatible for ur machine but if it doesn't work u should buy a 7600 .i think ur problem will be solved .thanx.........

Will a cat bite itself?

It really sounds as if she needs a trip to the vet clinic. If she is screaming and biting herself like that, she must be desperate to get at some pain or irritation. A check up would be the best thing.

If you could be any member of the Cullen family, who would you be?

I WANNA BE BELLA!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BELLA I WANNA BE BELLA PLEASE! LOLZ! Yeah if I could be nayone from the family it would definitley be Bella, I mean have you seen Edward in da movie? <3. I LOVE TWILIGHT! I LOVE BELLA! But not everyone there is form the Cullen family. Some are from other families and covens. Cullens are The Olympic Coven. Bella <3 Edward. Yay Bella. do you think?

That dress is GORGEOUS! I wanted it for my sweetheart dress but when I went to JC penny it was all sold out in my size :(. I'm glad you like it too! You'll look amazing in it and have fun at your sopre semi. :)

Bush !! Here we go again! What in the World allowed such stupidity?

He is also responsible for the Chernobyl disaster, shot Regan, the Titanic, the Chinese Famine of 1907, the pileup on I95 and much more. He will be held responsible when the republicans lose the Whitehouse in 2008.

Hey Christians, what do you think of this? Matthew 5:17-20?

It honestly seems to me as though you're out to pick a fight, rather than looking for an answer to a question, but I will say that, as a Christian, I believe this page in Mark refers mainly to the original Ten Commandments, which are still applicable no matter how culture or society changes. Those were God's absolute laws, those which were further expounded on later being mainly for the Jewish society of the day.

Help me (new job problem)?

I accepted a job offer of $10.50 working as a housekeeping dispatcher in a hotel. I'm soooo disappointed. I expected this position to pay at least $15-18 an hour especially for a high end hotel in long island. I took it out of desperation cause there's no jobs out there. I have a B.A in media communication and public relations and i can't find a job in that field. we spoke yesterday and i'm suppose to come in for monday. the thing is i forgot to tell them about not being able to come in tues morning cause i have to appear in court for unemployment appeal. would that make me look bad? how do I go about asking them? and also in regards to the it too late to negotiate a better amount since i already have accepted their offer? I feel sooooo stress out and ashamed of my salary what have my life come to. i really could use some advice.

Please Read this!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

For the cold parts- I've gotten those many times, so it's isn't something to get freak out about. But if this have been going on for more then a week, go to a doctor or not, then the pharmacy for medicine. About your ear, I'm not too sure, but i suggest you go see a doctor, not many of use has the knowledge like a doctor.

Shouldnt wwe get more intense and metal like themes for ppvs?

like drowning pool,disturbed,fozzy they did it once now,saliva,bon jovi,limp bizkit,korn,pantera,metallica,etc,...

Does illegal immigration help the economy?

All will say is the medical company i work for in san diego has had 3 of our hospitals close as a direct result of mexican nationals coming over the border just to get medical care then returning to mexico and never paying the bill. The US goverment requires we give them emergency medical tx so as to point 3 your really need to check you claims

Is it just me or....?

It's a whinocracy. Ruled by the biggest crybabies who complain the most. You can say something offensive as long as nobody complains. If they do complain, it doesn't matter if it was intended offensively.

What is the % purity of sample?

what is the % purity of sample of KClO(sub)3 which weighed 0.7440g and yielded a precipitate of AgCl which weighed 0.9g?

What is the intent of this crime? is the intent to steal? see the sentence in capitol letters?

ASK SOMEONE ON THE STREET WHATS INSIDE THEIR FOOD BAG(THE BAG IS FULL OF FOOD) and the person with the food bag lies to the person who asked whats in the food bag by telling him some other type of food is in the bag then the guy who asked whats in the food bag says wrong answer and collar grabs the person with the food bag

In the AFL why is collingwood the most successful club?

I think you forgot a word in your question...I'm pretty sure it should read "In the AFL why is Collingwood the most UNsuccessful club". In footy success is not measured in how many games you have won it's measured in how many premierships you have won. And for Collingwood that is 0 in the last 20 years.

Are the lightsaber sounds trademarked?

I know the word lightsaber is trademarked by Lucasfilm. But for a little effect in my business online would the hum and clash they make be considered a copyright infrinndgement?

My boyfriend is turning 16 in March, what should I get him?

He is a guy who likes football, hunting, fishing, and stuff like that. His parents are not helping him in any way with financing a truck. He has a Ford Bronco, it can run with simple adjustments, but its not in very good shape. I was thinking about getting a gift card for him to buy the things he needs to fix it up. What other suggestions do you have? Any 16 year old guys know something they would like? Any body already had to do this and know what to do or just have an awesome idea? I could really use it! Thanks!


I need three quotes that support that Catherine Barkley of Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms" is loyal, dependent, and tries her best to make Fredrick Henry happy. This essay is due in six hours. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much will it cost me to knit a blanket with wool?

i have just began knitting, and when my friend started crocheting it cost her like $300 to make a blanket. does knitting take less yarn or anything? and how much do you think i am looking at?

Funky Navel piercing, what's wrong with it?!? O.O?

I'd suggest removing the jewelry and letting your piercing heal. After maybe four or five months, you can get it re-pierced and care for it properly.

Her best friend is Mandy, So who is Leslie?

In Miley's song " See you again"., she sings "my best friend leslie says oh shes just being miley". But everyone knows that her best friend is Mandy Jiroux. So who is this Leslie???

Should I take a test?

Your symptoms sound promising. You should be good to test. If it's a negative, try again another few days. Best of luck! I hope you get your BFP! Let me know what happens.

Ill been told you can send sounds from motorola v3 via bluetooth?

i got a v3 but every time i try to send a sound though mm tex. it says reach mage size limit what can i do,or how do i send it though bluetooth on phone the bluetooth is switch on

Would a fiscal or monetary policy be effective today?

With the current rate of unemployment at 9.8% would introduced a fiscal or monetary policy be a effective? What are the advantages and disadvantages to having it?

Do you think what my boyfriend said to me was messed up?

Well we were watching a movie together yesterday and he was commenting on how "hot" one of the actresses was...he was like, "Omg she's so ****** hot I would do her anyday" and "I would leave you in an instant if I could be with her." I turned to him and said, "Heyy you're so mean!" with a sad puppy face. Then he was like, "Oh c'mon babe, you know you would leave me for this guy" and he points to Zac Efron. I was like, "Nooo I wouldn't" and he was like "Yesss you would...c'mon he's even loaded." I felt like his comments were very hurtful and superficial. I don't trust him anymore and I feel like he has no real feelings for me. What do you guys think?

I am trying to breed my pythons for the first time should i be feeding them in the cooling down period thanks?

You should be trying to breed your snakes during the winter months only not during the summer. that is why all snake breeders have babies available from the spring through the summer. you will notice when your snake goes off their food naturally in the fall this is when you want to try to breed them.

Does Heath Ledger really deserve a poss posthumous Oscar nomination?

Do you think it is the same as all celebs/stars, when they die b4 their time pple get sentimental and give awards and say things about them that they may not have deserved in life?

Need help with a new gamertag?

hey guys i want the name Haze as my gt but every way ive tried it, its been taken. ive tried things such as IHaZe x HaZeY v etc so can you guys please help find a method? thanks :)

What do you think about my house?

I've lived in old houses before, and they very often creak. Sometimes it's the wood in floorboards etc. expanding with the heat or contracting with the cold. Wood is affected by the amount of moisture in the air also, so central heating would be a factor as it wasn't around when the house was built.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can i replace a Hughes HN9000 with another modem?

I have hughes net, and have not been happy with it, but don't have options in the place I live. (except dialup - which isn't better) Our modem is supposedly bad, as it disconnects or resets itself every few seconds and effectively prevents even cursory browsing or e-mail checking. This is a problem that always existed, but grew worse and worse over time. Now hughes says the modem is bad, and they'll send us a new one for $500 as it is 3 weeks out of warranty - not really an option right now. Is it possible for me to buy something else and hook my satellite into it without consulting with or buying from hughes? Not only do I not want to spend the money, but the HN9000 is fraught with problems, and I don't see why I should try another when nobody is happy with the model. Also not sure that's the source of the problem since the first time I called their Tech support they claimed to test the modem and said it was fine - they told me the cable was bad. I changed it and it didn't help. Second call to TS they said bad modem! Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks

Yo listen i have a bad life but still got agood heart boys are dogs i just want 2 b happy iwant to b luvd?

referring to boys as dogs? Yeah great heart. Look if you have feelings about certain people fine but lumping everyone together because of some bad relationships is not right.

Bellas Lullaby question?

The one in the movie is Bella's lullaby. The song you're probably finding is another song from Twilight called River Flows Trough You. But thats a good song too. :)

What does this Scarlet Letter quote mean?

“We are not, Hester, the worst sinners in the world. There is one worse than even the polluted priest! That old man’s revenge has been blacker than my sin. He has violated, in cold blood, the sanctity of a human heart. Thou and I, Hester, never did so!”

Is Bono (from U2) a douche? Or does he just seem like it?

No, Bono is a legendary artist. I know legendary artist and douche are usually pretty close to each other... But Bono is the man.

Which Narnia movie did you think was better?

Do you guys think The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe is better or Prince Caspian is better?I think The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe was a better movie but all the actors looked better in Prince Caspian especially Lucy and Edmund.But i would like to have your opinion please!

Four years ago a 1000 lb. metal feel on my foot..(cont)?

it pinned it at its side and applied pressure on it almost squishing my big toe to my little toe..a cast and months of reccuperation it was completely healed. however now 4 years later i feel my cab and my theigh hurt/burn so much especially at night .is this dangerous? whats the reason for this?

Question about and farting noise!?!?!? HELP

When my husband and I have I notice when we're gertting up or switching positions, this farting noise comes out of my . Until recently, we've NEVER had this problem, so it just seems odd to me. I have no idea what it is an d why it's happening.....anyone know what this noise is and could share, that would be greatly appreciated!

With my 3.8GPA and my transcript, where do I stand?

As a high school junior in California, I overall have a sound GPA of 3.8. Sadly, sopre year I got a “D” in honors chemistry. (Keep in mind I’ve taken 4 A.P. cles and obtained A’s and B’s in all of them.) I have also played Soccer two years and Cross Country one year and have interned for Rudy Giuliani (a 2008 Presidential candidate) and have a good letter of recommendation from my internship overseer. My question is, with a 3.8 GPA, but one D, can I still get into a school like George Washington University or American University in Washington D.C.? I don’t know if this helps, but I’m a “minority” –although I resent the “special treatment.” Help/knowledge would be greatly appreciated!

What Should I do to upgrade my fantasy football team?

Is LeSean McCoy in the free agent pool? If he is drop the Redskins DST for him. If not trade Celek or Olsen to get a RB

In a recent episode of eastenders, what is the name of the dance tune played in the Queen Vic?

In this episode Roxy and Ronnie turn the pub into a nightclub complete with a Dj who plays ibiza dance tracks, what is the name of the last track played when peggy turns up and starts telling them off? i'd really love to hear it again! thanx :)

What causes me to get really emotional?

I get really emotional for very little reason. It can be just watching a television commercial or watching a movie trailer. I feel embarred about it since guys are not supposed to be this emotional. I recently stood up at a wedding and tried my hardest NOT to shed a tear. Smiled the entire time as the other guys were balling. The bridesmaids made it a point to let it be known that crying was a turn on. I was saddened about this since it backfired after trying to impress a bridesmaid. Well, now it's just getting worse each day... I can be watching a TV ad with a touching story and start feeling a sudden rush of gut sadness, to the point I start sobbing...What is that? Why? DO I need medical help?

Can anyone suggest a really funny and new or rarely used monologue that would be good for a young woman?

I'm doing auditions which ask for two contrasting monologues. I've got one down which is quite poignant (Portia's "is Brutus sick?" speech from Julius Caesar) So I would like something funny but not well known to go with it. Preferably intended for someone between the ages of 16-22ish and as new as possible. So if you have any suggestions please let me know!

Week 8 Flex? Blair Whire? Fred Jackson? C. Williams? L. Blount? M. Sims-Walker?

Definately Fred Jackson, with no lynch to steal touches he's looked pretty decent recently and the bills are starting to put points up. White is now the 4th WR on that team since anthony gonzalez is back so don't go there. Blount is getting the carries in TB so don't go for cadillac and I think its too early to jump on Blount after just one game. Sims-Walker has had too many sub 2 point games to trust.

Does anyone know a banquet hall in michigan that rents out there space?

Im going to provide my own food and drinks, so i need a place that lets you rent out there space. Going to be around 70-120 people. Near white lake, commerce, or west bloomfield.

Am i over reacting?

I have 13 nieces and 1 nephew ,my eldest nieces are 7 and 5 years older than the rest so obviously they were very spoilt by all of us when they were first born, since the rest of the mob have come along my SIL (thier Mum) is so obviously jealous everytime a new baby is born into the family, she even starts ridiculous arguements about us not seeing her children often enough. Yesterday we had a family lunch at my parents house and 7 over the kids were there including my daughter (who both my brothers and SIL's have only seen about 5 times in 7 months). Now my SIL payed NO attention to my daughter AT all never held her, played with her and the only time she ackowleged her was when she wanted to take photo's. She constantly complains that i don't see her children anough but she doesn't know i am in contact with her 2 oldest daughters on a weekly basis (they are 16 and 18) i even brought my niece personalised number plates for her 18th. ***cont'd***

Should I start Ray Rice vsPIT or Mike Tolbert vsOAK?

Fred Jackson is worth picking up rather you play him this week or not. Tolbert is running against the Raiders this week. Only the Lions, Broncos, and Cardinals have allowed more fantasy points to RBs. I would be playing him this week. Only one team has allowed fewer fantasy points to RBs than the Steelers and that's the Jets. This is not a good week to be playing either Green-Ellis or Rice. Jackson has a hamstring problem. Jackson's opponent, the Vikings, are allowing the 6th least fantasy points to RBs. The Steelers have allowed a lot more receiving yds to WRs than the Bills, but the Bills have allowed 5 more WR TDs. I'd play Harvin at home, but the choice between him and Welker is close.

Is pi overrated?

I mean, there are other important irrational numbers out there, like e, phi (aka the Golden Ratio), and my personal favorite, Euler's constant, but it seems like pi gets all the press. What's the big deal with pi, anyway? I haven't heard about anybody trying to memorize e to 100,000 places.

Best touch screen pmp?

Something lke the Iphone, or the meizu m8, samsung p3. An internet browser would be nice. So anyone got a good pmp similar to these three?

Iran's residents..... what's your idea?

i wnat to know your idea about filtering the sites in the Internet in IRAN. why???? it makes me really angry and upset.... why does it happen? who can justify this work... what's your idea and feeling towards this ?

My g/f said said she need some space HELP ,ME PLEASE?

me and my gf have be tall king for a mouth and sunday we went to a party and talk on the phone sunday night then monday i called her and text her but she never replied or answer she kept on ignoring my call and text then she called me and i ask her why she was acting like that and she told me she saw something in my phone but she wouldn't tell me what she saw then the next day i called her and and text her again and she did the same thing ignore me so she called me then i ask what did you see in my phone and she said it was nothing so i said ok .... so we was talking and she just sounded different she said she wanted to text me so i hung up then she text me saying "the felling in my heart are going away " so i said do you think we rushed things and she said she don't know then she said i just need time to find my feeling for you i said i understand you and she said thank you for giving me time to think that's what i might need babe i love and always will mwahhh.............then i said if you need something im always here i love you to.......what should i do help please i love this girl so much and im stressing

Who is the youngest chef to receive 3 Michelin stars?

I know Marco Pierre White is the first British to accomplish this but there is one other chef who was younger then he was when he received his stars....

How to convince my mom to let me watch "My life as Liz, season 2"?

I'm pretty sure the show is like half an hour long. Keep using the birthday thing and just tell her that it's you that's going to be tired the next day, not her, and that you promise to wake up on time and go to school, and she might actually let you watch it. And follow through with that promise, school is important lol. But I do understand why she doesn't want to let you watch it, you're probably either in middle school or high school and you do have to wake up early, but you're the one whose going to be dealing with that though. But keep in mind, if she doesn't let you watch it, you can always record it, or watch it the next day, trust me I know MTV and they will replay that episode over and over again until the next one comes on.

Did you ever got a laptop from a freebie site?

i'd check this site : and i was interseted to try it out so... i'd send in my entry like that on their given requirements on their site.. i'd given them my id(scanned),my address and my drivers license and also some college doents.. is this site for real? or not?? and is this site really..really safe? because im really worried on what theyll gonna do on those files that i'd send... please help me out because ive got a feeling that this is a scam..

Plz help!! hit and run accident?

I'm 17 and this morning I was driving to school and only hd 10 minutes left. I was in my lane but there was a garbage truck on my right and very close to my lane. I accidentally hit the side of it and heard a noise but continued thinking that I won't have any damage. I know it was wrong but today was the first day of midterms and i didnt want to be late. when i got out of my car there was much damage on my right side. I don't know what to do, insurrance, i already told my parents btw. but what should i do plz help

A ________ enzyme adds a _________ group to other enzymes and usually serves as an 'on' switch.?

Answer B. Phosphates can ACTUALLY deactivate or activate a variety of proteins, etc. but are extremely important for the function and activity of cellular processes. Answer B most accurately describes this scenario.

Pain in My Armpits When Coughing?

I have pain in my armpits for about 3 days. I have not been to the doctor. Can BRONCHITIS produce swollen lymph nodes in the armpits? What I cough, in hurts under my armbits. Does anyone know what could cause this pain?

Have you ever done anything desperate to lose weight that you know you should not do?

I am not trying to lose weight right now , I am pregnant so I can not.However I gained weight with both of my pregnancies(30pounds)and after I givebirth this time a plan to diet and exercise.I did that after my first , but got little results.Now I am desperate I will not go all anorexic like I used to do when I was young I can not do that again.So what have you done out desperation to lose weight?Not that I will do it unless it is legal and safe ,I just do not know if I am the only one who has thaught and done desperate things to lose weight.

Looking for my grandmother's father: HEINRICH HORN of Schonberg, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Germany.?

He was "a man of portfolio". I have a snap of him in military uniform taken at Altona Military Barracks, Hamburg. Great Grandmother born 1875 & he looks about that age. Family legend is that "he was the son of Duke George of Mecklenburg-Strelitz" (ie: G.D. Adolf Friedrich V). Thanks for any help.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tryin to put 2gether a system..I have a 2000 buick lesabre limited(lots of trunk space lol)?

It depends on what size door speakers u have. I'm putting 6 twelve inch kickers in my 03 Buick century with 3 1000 watt amps but i like alto of b. if you want regulate b put in like 2 12s or 4 10s. you will get an aw some sound system and probably will still have lots of money left over if you go with kicker. Also for good voice add tweeters and buy a couple of 6x9s and put them in boxes/ If there is any money leftover i would put in a custom box that looks nice in there

Where to find fuzzy slippers?

A couple years ago my mom bought me a pair of what she calls "Fuzzy Feet". I can't remember the actual brand name - that may have been it. They are basically short furry socks that don't go up your ankle and have elastic around the opening and a fabric non-skid sole. She says she's only ever seen them in one gift shop in Oregon. I am desperate searching for more of them. Does anyone have a clue?

Does anyone know where I can buy a baby Alligator Snapping Turtle in the USA online?

i have always wanted one and i finaly have a tank big enough to be able to house one properly.please any leads will be used

Question about McAfee On-Access Scan Statistic Screen... (McAfee Users Please)?

I have had some things that were detected and deleted as well as some file actions blocked. I was just curious if it could be due to me searching some websites since I believe that could be why due to past observations it seems. Just wondering if web surfing will do it? Please don't waste my time telling me to get AVG etc, McAfee has worked great for me. Thanks.

Why is the music world crazy now and days?

Well, some of it is alright. Theres no decent Alternative, all you have is punk and emo crap. Rap, omg, just sucks now, back in the 90s it was awesome and before that. Same goes with alternative, 90s was good for it also. Pop, is just dumb. One thing after another about Brit Spears. Who cares!!!! Its her own fault shes Country, well i pretty much like older country. I have to say yes Oldies and Clic Rock are the best type of music, 90s era music was the best because i grew up in that year. Just give it a thougt. Because it seems like every song i download and put it on my mp3 player is during 99 or before then, and some is the early 2000.


It sounds like pmt, if 2 tests came back negative i wouldn't get your hopes up! if so you are very early on, have you taken the tests in the morning when the hormones should be at their strongest? You dont usually feel sick until about week 5 or 6, you couls be just stressed worring about it, and that could be delaying your period.

Looking for music jewellery boxes. ?

A xmas present for granddaughter needs to be white with nice music and room for jewellery not just trinkets. Can anyone tell me where to find something like that in Australia as few websites in America have them but won't post overseas

Which Rb's do I start?

I'm starting S Jackson and need one more back. Thanks to some injury problems earlier I have a couple of viable options this week. Could you guys rank who you think is the best to worse starts out of these backs. De Williams vs PHI, Cadillac vs PIT, McGahee vs MIA or Thomas Jones vs MIN. I need one of these guys!

Mahatma Gandhi - Was Mahatma Gandhi responsible for the present day never ending Reservation Quota?

Ambedkar declared that freedom of India does not mean freedom to low caste so he wanted separate electorate in which only low caste would elect their own representatives as MP/MLA . When Gandhi learnt this , he opposed Ambedkar and went on a fast till death. When his condition became worse , people persuaded Ambedkar to take back his demand and so Poona pact was signed and Gandhi gave up his fast ,but in lieu, Ambedkar made Gandhi to accept reservations for dalits & tribals, which Gandhi agreed.

Why don't most Christians care for the Earth considering the entire meaning of life?

Not sure if your "sifting" example is what Jesus had in mind brother. I would think that while God expects us to tend his Earth properly and with respect, he also knew that man would eventually invent industry, machines, oil, and automobiles....With that said, these are not the objects causing the sin and abominations God speaks of...........MAN IS ! Of course, there is much abuse...But man has abused life from the start....You only have to look at what we Americans are doing with mankinds' birth rate and how it's being defiled. How many of us can honestly say that we're obeyed God's commands of "marry one woman and have children within the family?" Seems to me that if we only obeyed that one command across the globe, we would not have the over population problem we're seeing in china, and the U.S. and the abuse from it as we speak.

Why are people phobic? What do you think about ity?

phobia arises out of ignorance. Cure that ignorance, and you cure the phobia. Unfortunately, a lot of people resist education and enlightenment. They find it much more fun to imagine that their answers are correct, and that they can't possibly learn anything from anyone who has studied the issues which their ignorant anti-gay arguments are about.


The Undertaker and Lita if they don't count because they're currently not in the WWe any more I choose Shawn Michaels and Melina.

How do you think he'll interpret my saying I miss him?

Texted the gym trainor that am lazy to hit the gym but I miss him. We met 3 months ago but he started helpfully obliging only last month when we saw each other again. During the 2nd meeting, I felt he was a little flirtatious but didn't bother with it (I find him cute). We're not close, also because I 1st put boundaries & so we're just more of just acquaintances friendly with one another; he has shared (when I asked) that his girlfriend exchanged him for another guy. His FB profile still says "in a relationship". Normally, he answers when I send a text (which is very seldom) but didn't this time. Am thinking the next time we see each other, he might try to see how I would respond if he flirts with his behavior. But what if he doesn't? How do I maintain his wanting to help me just in case he backs off from the friendship? I don't want things to change.

How is the ending of The Great Gatsby tragic?

He dies. He is the main character of the book! He was a high status man who became social royalty for a woman who didn't even value him. His funeral was desolate. Every single one of his so called "friends" did not attend. It's tragic because everything Gatsby worked for ended in shambles. It represented nothing.

How Do You Feel About The 4th Judge On American Idol?

same here i think that cas paula is leaving in like 3 or 4 years the other lady person is going to i dunno lol

Q: the most reliable transfer co. in Bohemia Prague ( Czech )?

I have to suggest it's, jirina & roy; do you have other experience?

What is considered "true" Mexican food/dishes? Not Tex-Mex, of course...but true Mexican food/dishes?

I'm lucky to live in Mexico, where I can get the real thing anytime. We have been invaded by Tex-Mex stuff like burritos and fajitas, and taco salads which are not Mexican. If you wish to try something Mexican look for Chicken Mole, stuffed Poblano pepper or Pork Pibil, panuchos, lime soup and many others. There are recipes readily available here on YA. Braised Kid Goat is delicious, but you will only get a decent one in the city of Monterrey, specifically at a restaurant called El Principal. Mexican antojitos include tacos, tostadas, chalupas, gorditas, garnachas, sopes, enchiladas, flautas, gringas and other delicious items that involve fried corn masa or dough, refried beans and meat or cheese. You do need to travel to Mexico to experience the real thing, because no restaurant in the USA can equal actual Mexican cooking and the astounding variety that spans the country from north to south. The State of Mexico holds a mole festival every year, and you can sample at least over 300 different varieties of mole there alone. The general public in America has no idea of what they are missing.

Hey Man! Have you ever looked up in the night sky and seen the Death Star?

I see it every night. Tonight it is like 3/4 illuminated, some nights I can only see 1/4 of it. Sometimes it is the full thing. What is it doing there, and are we in firing range? Shouldn't this sort of thing be on the news? Should someone call the police or the Air Force or the Jedi or something?

What's It Gonna Take For Them To Realize That JESS' Baby Is Really BABY HOPE ...?

To answer your 1st question, it'll take someone with an actual brain, and those are sorely lacking in Llanview. And even though Jessica and Starr are cousins, the baby still shouldn't have enough alleles for any idiot who knows how to process DNA to think that it's Jess's baby. I wish OLTL and AMC both would realize that viewers aren't all that stupid; we watch TV, we read papers, we even vote. And they just keep insulting our intelligence over and over. Personally, I think it's the writers who are lacking all the clues.

Is it possible for me to be more excited about Brett Favre coming back tot he NFL?

I guess the NFL had to get Vick out of the Headlines and the best way for them to do this is to get Favre to come back. Well, I guess the Viking will win the weakest conference in the NFL.

Is it ironic that many Europeans call us the real threat to world peace while we protect all of them?

It is a bit comical to me to hear people go on about how many countries the US has invaded (fighting Communism and Dictatorship, mind you) while at the same time Europe is under our nuclear umbrella. Maybe they can play the and ask for China's protection? Maybe it would be a better match

Should Benedict XVI be excommunicated?

The pope isn't likely to excommunicate himself but we all can excommunicate ourselves from the Catholic church.

Who is the best male singer?

This can be from Frank Sinatra to Justin Bieber (you can't compare the two EVER {Sinatra fan}) But my all time favorite male singers in order are Billy Joel, Barry Manilow, (by a very close meet) Elton John and the all powerful Michael Jackson!

Will i have clearer skin if i stop eating sugar and refined carbs?

Acne has a lot to do with hormones and genetics. Cutting those things out works for some and not for others. It worked for me, but in combination with cutting out sodas and drinking lots of water. Also, vitamin C supplements and Hair, skin, and nails supplements work. Its also really affordable. Water is MUCH cheaper than sodas!