Monday, August 8, 2011

With my 3.8GPA and my transcript, where do I stand?

As a high school junior in California, I overall have a sound GPA of 3.8. Sadly, sopre year I got a “D” in honors chemistry. (Keep in mind I’ve taken 4 A.P. cles and obtained A’s and B’s in all of them.) I have also played Soccer two years and Cross Country one year and have interned for Rudy Giuliani (a 2008 Presidential candidate) and have a good letter of recommendation from my internship overseer. My question is, with a 3.8 GPA, but one D, can I still get into a school like George Washington University or American University in Washington D.C.? I don’t know if this helps, but I’m a “minority” –although I resent the “special treatment.” Help/knowledge would be greatly appreciated!

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